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radiating element中文是什么意思

用"radiating element"造句"radiating element"怎么读"radiating element" in a sentence


  • 辐射单元
  • 辐射元件


  • Figure 7 - 1 and subsequent diagrams show only a limited number of radiating elements
    图7 - 1和后面的图表只显示了少量辐射单元的情况。
  • For each beam position the amount of phase shift is calculated for each radiating element
  • Onli a properly matched antenna system will allow maximum power transfer from the 50 transmission line to the radiating element
  • Applying the distance approximation to the expression already obtained for the required phase difference between two radiating elements yield equation ( 7 - 1 )
    在已经得到的两个辐射单元所需相位差的场方程( 7 - 1 )中应用距离近似。
  • The electromagnetic energy received at a point in space from two or more closely spaced radiating elements is a maximum when the energy from each radiating element arrives at the point in phase
  • The previous discussion addressed the theory required to compute the relative phase shift between adjacent radiating elements in order to position the beam of an array - type antenna to a specific angle off of the antenna boresight axis
  • By building the antenna at a location with a poor effective conductivity of the ground , and by grounding the ends of the feedline / antenna , the signal is forced deep down into the earth , making the earth itself the effective radiating element
  • With compensation of signal ’ s time delay from different radiating element by phase shifters , phased - array antenna can control array beam easily . because there are no mechanical devices for rotating beam , the phased - array antenna system can scan everywhere in beam covered areas in millisecand by stepping the phase shifters . it improves the tracking velocity of antenna towards the object , and becomes the development trends of weapon system antennas
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